Thank You All

How does one say thank you to almost a thousand people who emailed, called, texted, “face booked” and/or showed up in support for the Last Game?

It was an incredible few weeks culminating in a wonderful moment Saturday night and there are no words to describe it.  I thank you all and despite knowing the dangers of mentioning names there are a few people who must be mentioned –

To  (In alphabetical order) Daniel Aaron, Lior and Janet Hod , Aaron Kinderlehrer, David Kufeld, Yudi Teichman  who put it ALL together from way back when, including Lior’s brainstorm  to have the bright yellow t-shirts that stole the show and have become collectors’ items.

To Derek Henry who flew in from Chicago to video one last game after 28 years of filming the MACS.  What should have been a 3 hour trip turned into 15 with a detour to Baltimore and the last leg by train.

To Tamar Smith – who took hundreds of pictures and is still working on cleaning them up as you will see when they start appearing on the website.  (No end of benefit to having a photographer in the family)  (See also FAMILY below)

To the 2013-14 Team – For coming through at the bottom of the ninth (forgive the baseball metaphor), when as you know, it counts.  And for sharing what should have been the seniors’ special moment. Special thanks to the non-seniors who gave up their playing time so the seniors could have their night.

To My FAMILY – Who came out in force as always to share in the final anxious moments, offer their advice and suggestions and provide full scale support.

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